
Publisher: Al-Raza Tours & Travels
Published: Mahe Ramazan 1425AH.

Index :

  • 1. Excellence of performing Hajj
  • 2. Excellence of the Ziarat of the Infallibles (a.s.)
  • 3. I. Excellence of Ziarat of Holy Prophet (s.a.)
  • 4. II.Excellence of Ameerul Mo'mineen's (a.s.) Ziarat
  • 5. III.Excellence of visitation of Imam Kazim (a.s.) and Imam Mohammed Taqi (a.s.)
  • 6. IV. Excellence of Ziarat of Imam Reza (a.s.)
  • 7. V. Excellence of Imam Husain's (a.s.) Ziarat
  • 8. Supplication of Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) for the visitors of Imam Husain (a.s.)
  • 9. We have mentioned some more traditions from the book of Kamiluz Ziaraat for readers
  • 10. Etiquette (Adaab) of Ziarat
  • 11. Supplications and Ziaraat that have been emphasised
  • 12. Adorn your journey with supplication for Imam (a.t.f.s.)
  • 13. Reciting the supplications related to Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) is very beneficial


In a lengthy tradition, Imam Ali b. Moosa Ar-Reza (may our lives be sacrificed upon both of them) has mentioned about the impact of traditions of the infallibles (a.s.) on the Shias. We have only mentioned a few words from that tradition. Imam (a.s.) says, 'Our words and our traditions have not reached our Shias. In reality, our Shia is the one who is captivated by our words and traditions.' The truth is the traditions that have been narrated in relation to Hajj and Ziarat are so many and so impressive that it stirs the hearts of the Shias and inspires him to undertake a journey for Hajj or Ziarat. After referring to these traditions, the Shia is not influenced by whisperings of Shaitaan like - What is the hurry now? I am young now and can afford to postpone it. When Imam (a.s.) calls me I will go. I have already gone in the past, etc.

The purpose of writing this booklet is to awaken the desire of Hajj and Ziarat in the hearts of the readers. When readers refer to the traditions of the infallibles (a.s.), they will realise the importance of Hajj and Ziarat and how they can benefit from these important acts of worship. Please note that we do not wish to delve on laws of jurisprudence (fiqh) in this regard. For that, readers may refer to the Tauzihul Masail of their mujtahid or can contact the scholars (Ulama) for their queries.

Excellence of Performing Hajj

There is no doubt about the fact that Hajj is obligatory only on the one capable of performing it and it must be performed at least once in a lifetime. There is also no doubt about the fact that every capable Muslim does not get the taufeeq to perform Hajj. There are so many Muslims who are initially incapable of performing Hajj. But then they supplicate intensely in the month of Ramazan, the glorious month of Allah wherein He accepts supplications and makes easy the difficult. Then seeing the sincerity of his supplications, Allah, the Almighty, grants him his desire and removes his incapacity for Hajj and makes him capable for performing Hajj - 'and there is no success (taufeeq) except with Allah'

1. Uskooni relates from Imam Sadiq (a.s.),
Allah, the Almighty, not only forgives the sins of the Haji, but also the sins of his immediate family members, his relatives and all those for whom the Haji seeks forgiveness in the months of Zil Hajj, Muharram, Safar, Rabiul Awwal and the first 10 days of Rabiul Akhar.'
(Sawaabul Aamaal, Sawaabul Hajj-o-Umra, pg 108 Hadis 1)

2. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates,
'One who performs Hajj sincerely for Allah and not for display to the people, Allah forgives him completely (forgives all his past and future sins).'
(Sawaabul Aamaal, Sawaabul Hajj-o-Umra, Hadis 2)

3. Imam Sajjad (a.s.) narrates,
'Perform Hajj and Umra. This will be the cause of security of your body, increase in sustenance, rectification of your faith and it will make provision for the daily necessities of the people and your family members.
(Beharul Anwaar vol. 99 pg. 5, Sawaabul Aamaal, Sawaabul Hajj-o-Umra, Hadis 3)

4. Muawiyah b. Ammar narrates from Imam Sadiq (a.s.),
'When the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) returned to Mecca from the planes of Arafat, he (s.a.w.s.) met an Arab. The Arab said, 'O Prophet (s.a.w.s.), I am capable of performing Hajj and even intended performing it. But as soon as I left my house, I was held back by some affair and failed to perform Hajj. Please advise on how I should expend this wealth so that I am not deprived of the reward of performing Hajj.' The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) turned towards the mountain of Abu Qobais and said, 'Even if you expend gold equal to that mountain in the way of Allah, you will not get the reward of the Hajis.'
(Sawaabul Aamaal, Sawaabul Hajj-o-Umra, Hadis 8)

It is necessary upon us to draw two conclusions from the above-mentioned tradition:

a. Taufeeq for Hajj is bestowed by Allah, the Almighty, as a charity (sadaqah) out of love of the infallibles (a.s.).
b. It is impossible to evaluate the reward for the performance of Hajj. So much so that even if the worshipper spends gold equal to Mount Abu Qobais he will fail to achieve the same merit and reward.

5. Ameerul Mo'mineen - Imam Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.) relates,
'If a person readies himself completely to perform Hajj but fails to perform it, then this deprivation is due to a sin he had committed.'
(Beharul Anwaar vol. 69 pg. 9)

6. A person came in the presence of Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.). Imam (a.s.) asked,
'Are you returning from Hajj?' He: 'Yes'. Imam (a.s.): 'Do you know the reward of the Haji?' He: 'No. May I be sacrificed over you, please inform me?' Imam (a.s.): 'The Haji enters Mecca with humility and awe. As soon as he enters Masjidul Haram, he shortens his steps out of Allah's fear. Then he performs tawaaf of the Holy Kabaa and prays two rakat namaz of the tawaaf. When he completes this (Umra-e-Tamatto, while Hajj is still left), Allah forgives 70,000 sins, writes 70,000 good deeds in his scroll of deeds, raises his degree by 70,000 grades, fulfills 70,000 of his desires and grants him reward of freeing 70,000 slaves where each slave is worth a 1,000 dirham.'
(Sawaabul Aamaal, Sawaabul Hajj-o-Umra, Hadis 12, Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,151)

7. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) narrates,
'There are two kinds of Hajj - one for Allah's sake and one for other than Allah. Then the one who performs Hajj for Allah's pleasure, his reward is reserved with Allah. The one who performs it for the people, his reward on the Day of Judgment will be with the people (and not with Allah).'
(Sawaabul Aamaal, Sawaabul Hajj-o-Umra, Hadis 16)

8. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) relates,
'One who looks at the Kabaa after recognising its elevated status and significance and also recognises our honour and distinction like he has recognised the Kabaa's honour and distinction, then Allah, the Almighty, will forgive all his sins and will suffice for him as a helper in the world and the hereafter.'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,142)

9. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) relates,
'One who eliminates pride and haughtiness from his heart and intends to set out for Hajj or Umra, shall be purified completely of his sins on his return as if he was born on that very day.'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,148)

10. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates,
'One who prays two rakat namaz near Maqam-e-Ibrahim (a.s.), then it is as if he has released 6 slaves.'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,155)

11. Imam (a.s.) narrates,
'Allah, the Almighty, declares - If I have kept a Muslim in good condition and made him capable (of Hajj) then if he does not visit this place (Kabaa) every 5 years, know that he has been deprived (of this taufeeq).'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,175)

12. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) narrates,
'If a believer from a particular area halts at the planes of Arafaat, then Allah shall forgive all the believers of that area (for his sake). If a believer who has the recognition (marefat) of the Ahle Bait (a.s.), halts at the planes of Arafaat, Allah will forgive all the members of his family (for his sake).'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,181)

13. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates,
'The biggest sinner among the people of Arafaat is the one who returns from there and entertains the thought in his heart that his sins will not be forgiven i.e. such a person has despaired from Allah's mercy (which is a major sin).'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,183)

14. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates,

'At the time of evening in Arafaat, Allah, the Almighty appoints two angels who scrutinize the faces of all the people over there. Then, if there is a Muslim who had intended to go for Hajj, but the angels are unable to locate him, then one angel asks his companion - what about that person, he had intended to come for Hajj but is not here. The other angel replies - only Allah knows. Then one of the angels supplicates - O Allah! If he was held back due to his poverty, then ease his condition, if he is indebted, then repay his debts, if he was prevented from Hajj due to a sickness, then restore his health, if he was prevented from death, then forgive his sins.'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,184)?

15. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) relates,
'If a Muslim prays for his brother-in-faith in his absence, then a voice from the Arsh announces - you will get 1 lakh (1,00,000) times what you have asked for your brother. If the Muslim asks only for himself, he gets it only once. And the 1 lakh (1,00,000) that he is guaranteed by the Arsh is certainly better than the supplication for himself, acceptance of which is not certain.'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,185)

Mo'mineen should note the reward of seeking for your brethren-in-faith before seeking for oneself. If we intend to go for Hajj then we must first pray for our brethren-in-faith and ask Allah to grant them taufeeq for Hajj. We are assured of a reward equal to 1 lakh times what we have asked for our brothers.

Also note the reward of praying for Imam-e-Zamana (a.s.) in his occultation. Not only do the angels ask Allah to grant us 1 lakh times of what we have prayed for Imam (a.s.), even Imam (a.s.) himself will pray for us. It is possible that our supplications are rejected due to our sins, but how can Allah reject the supplications of his infallible angels and His Vicegerent (Wali) and His Proof (Hujjat) on the earth.

16. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates,
'One who controls his eyes, hands and tongue in the days of Tashreeq (13-14 of Zilhajj) then Allah will grant him reward of another Hajj in addition to the Hajj that he has already preformed.'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,194)

17. Imam Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates,
'One who has performed his first Hajj has freed his neck from the clutches of Hell. One who has performed two Hajj will remain on goodness till the last breath of his life. One who has performed three Hajj successively, then whether he performs Hajj after that or not, he will be considered like the one who is habituated to performing Hajj.'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih, Beharul Anwaar vol. 94 pg. 6)

18. Traditions state:
that the one who has performed three Hajj will not be afflicted by poverty and destitution for the rest of his life.
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,206, Beharul Anwaar vol. 94 pg. 18)

19. Imam (a.s.) narrates,
'One who performs 4 Hajj shall get eternal respite from the crushing of the grave (fishaare qabr). Allah, the Almighty, shall transform his various Hajj into beautiful forms that shall appear in front of him in his grave and shall perform namaz till Allah raises him from the grave. That reward of all the namaz shall be given to the person. And know that one rakat of that namaz is equal to a thousand rakats of an ordinary individual's namaz.'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,209)

20. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) narrates,
'One who desires the world and the hereafter should set out towards the House of Allah (Kabaa).'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,233)

21. Imam (a.s.) narrates,

'One who returns from Hajj with this intention that he shall perform it again next year, shall have his life prolonged. But one who has the intention that he shall not return for Hajj, shall have his death advanced.'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,224)

22. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates,
'Do not hinder the progress of your brother-in-faith towards Hajj. Else he will be involved in some sin and transgression and the punishment he will get in the hereafter will be in addition to this sin.'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,235)

23. Izhaaq b. Ammar relates
once a person sought my advice in the matter of Hajj. Since he was unwell I suggested that he should avoid going for Hajj. Imam (a.s.) said, 'It is possible that you will remain unwell for one year.' Izhaaq b. Ammar narrates - I was unwell for one year just like Imam (a.s.) had informed me. (As this tradition reveals, never discourage a person from performing Hajj regardless of his physical and financial condition, on the contrary, encourage him and give him hope.)
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,234)

24. Imam Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates,
'The dead in the graves shall wish that they had with them only one Hajj in place of this entire world and everything in it.'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,251)

25. According to traditions, there are 3 categories of Haji
the most fortunate is the one who has all his past and future sins forgiven by Allah. Allah has safeguarded him from the chastisement of the grave. The second category is of that person who (only) has his past sins forgiven by Allah. After Hajj his actions will start afresh. The third category is of that person who shall have his family and wealth safeguarded (after completing Hajj). According to traditions, this is the Hajj that is not accepted by Allah. (Even with a Hajj that is not accepted by Allah a person is at least assured of well-being and security of his family and wealth.)
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,253)

26. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) relates,
'Hajj removes poverty.'
(Beharul Anwaar vol. 77 pg. 62, vol. 74 pg. 185, vol. 99 pg. 15)

27. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates,
'I have not seen anything more effective in attracting wealth and removing poverty than performing Hajj regularly.'
(Beharul Anwaar vol. 54 pg. 318, vol. 96 pg. 406)

28. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates,
'One who spends 1 dirham in Hajj, it is better than spending 1 lakh (1,00,000) dirham in Allah's way for other religious works. One who spends 1 dirham in Imam's (a.s.) way, it is better than spending 1 lakh dirham in Hajj.'
(Man la Yahzarul Faqih pg. 2,248)

29. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) narrates,
'O Ali, there are 10 groups of people in this nation who have denied Allah. Among them are the ones who are capable of performing Hajj but do not perform it.'
Beharul Anwaar vol. 77 pg. 7, vol. 94 pg. 7)

30. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) narrates,
'One who takes Hajj lightly and postpones it and then dies in this condition, on the Day of Judgment, Allah will raise him as Jew or Christian.'
(Beharul Anwaar vol. 77 pg. 57)

31. Ameerul Mo'mineen - Imam Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.) narrates,
'One who leaves Hajj for the sake of a worldly desire will find that desire unfulfilled till his death.'
(Beharul Anwaar vol. 99 pg. 19)

32. The narrator asked Imam (a.s.) about the 72nd verse of Bani Israel.
'And whoever is blind in this (world), he shall (also) be blind in the hereafter.' Imam (a.s.) replied, 'It means those people who says I will perform Hajj this year or next year till death overcomes upon him & he dies without performing Hajj.'
(Beharul Anwaar vol. 99 pg. 18)

These were only a few sayings and traditions of the infallibles (a.s.) to encourage and persuade us to perform Hajj of Allah's House in this year and every year. Hopefully, these traditions will create in our hearts the desire and longing for Hajj so that we can pray for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) in the house appointed for men is the one at Mekka, blessed and a guidance for the nations. In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim, and whoever enters it shall be secure. Inshallah, when Imam (a.s.) reappears to avenge the injustices happened on Janabe Zahra (s.a.), the merciless killing of Imam Husain (a.s.), the unquenched thirst of Janabe Sakina and the humiliation of Janabe Zainab (a.s.), he will include us among his helpers. Ameen - O Lord of the Worlds!

Excellence of the Ziarat of the Infallibles (a.s.)

While performing Hajj is among the obligatory acts, visitation (Ziarat) of infallibles (a.s.) is also very important, although not at the same level as the obligatory Hajj. We Shias are of the opinion that the Ahle Bait (a.s.) are the representatives of Allah on this earth and have been given divine authority. With this authority, they exercise complete control over all things, apparent or otherwise. They alone are the means towards Allah and a path towards His satisfaction. And this is exactly what is mentioned in Ziarate Jaame'a - 'Only you are the beginning and culmination of all things. It is through you alone, that the heavens open up for rain.'

Verily, these are the Chosen Ones, selected by Allah who never desert their lovers in moments of grief and calamity. And their lovers also are also faithful to them.

The Ziarat of Infallibles (a.s.) and desire for it is such a precious treasure that Allah has singled out only the Shias of Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) for it. Ziarat is an honor of the highest order, which proves most helpful for the believer both in this world and the hereafter. Love for this great worship is found in the heart of every believer.

Let us seek the help of Infallibles (a.s.) to transform this desire into deeds. For the sake of brevity, this treatise enumerates the excellence of the Ziarat of selected Infallibles (a.s.). This however, does not mean that Ziarat of the other Infallibles (a.s.) not mentioned here do not hold any importance. In fact, traditions regarding importance of such Ziaraat can be found easily.

I. Excellence of Ziarat of Holy Prophet (s.a.)

1. Himyari narrates in his 'Karbul Asnad' from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) about the excellence of Ziarat of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) - "I will intercede on the Day of Qiyamat for one who visits me during my lifetime and after my passing away"

2. In another tradition, Hazrat Zahra (s.a.) announces glad tidings for the person who visits the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) either during his (s.a.w.s.) lifetime or after his demise; that Allah will make paradise mandatory for him.

3. In a reliable tradition, Abdullah ibn Abbas narrates that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, "One who perfoms the visitation of Imam Hasan (a.s.) in Jannatul Baqi, then his feet will stay firm on Siraat (The Bridge), when feet of others will tremble"

4. The book of 'Muqanna' contains a tradition from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) such, "The one who perfoms our visitation, Allah will forgive his sins, and he will never experience poverty and distress".

5. Shaikh Tusi (r.a.) narrates from Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) that, "One who perfoms the visitation of Imam Sadiq (a.s.) and his holy father Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) will never face affliction of the eye, and will not depart from this world in any disease or ailment."

6. Ibne Qulway (a.r.) narrates a lengthy tradition from Imam Sadiq (a.s.), "A person enquired from Imam Sadiq (a.s.), 'Should one perform the visitation of your holy father'. Imam (a.s.) relied 'yes'. The person then asked about the reward for the same. Imam (a.s.) said, 'Paradise is for him, if he is a believer in our Imamat and our follower'. The person then asked Imam Sadiq (a.s.) of the position of one who avoids it. Imam (a.s.) replied that he will be in a state of regret and remorse".

If we pay attention to the traditions mentioned above, it becomes clear that the rewards promised will be attained only by him whose faith is firm on the Infallibles (a.s.) and tries his best to obey and follow them. The query of the Shia from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) about abstinence from visitation, makes one wonder whether any Shia would ever say no to this distinguished honour! On the face of it, no Shia would ever refuse visitation. But here, one cannot help but comment, that when attachment to wealth prevents a person from spending in the way of Ziarat, then the common refrain heard is that, "when we are called by our Maula, then we shall go". It is absolutely true that visitation is possible only by the permission of Infallibles (a.s.). But we should display our desire for visitation through our actions, duas and trying for it. In fact, sometimes money is only an excuse, a person does not even possess a valid passport! In such a case, should we expect the infallibles (a.s.) to arrange a passport for us? There are times when we are prepared, both through means and intentions, but some of our sins prevent us from undertaking this blessed journey. Or even after undertaking the journey, we are deprived of the honour of Ziarat.

We seek forgiveness from the Almightly Allah (swt) from those sins which take the shape of obstacles in perfoming this distinguished action.

II. Excellence of Ameerul Mo'mineen's (a.s.) Ziarat

1. Shaikh Toosi (r.a.) records the virtues of Ameerul Mo'mineen's (a.s.) Ziarat from Muhammad b. Muslim (r.a.) who narrates from Imam Sadiq (a.s.): One who does Ziarat of Ameerul Mo'mineen (a.s.) recognising his rights, attesting that he is the Imam whose obedience is obligatory upon the people, and does not go for Ziarat out of pride or under pressure, then Allah writes for him reward equivalent to 1 lakh (1,00,000) martyrs. Allah will forgive all his past and future sins. He will be raised on the Day of Judgement and gathered in Mahshhar without any fear. Allah will make his accounting easy. The Angels will welcome him warmly. When that person concludes his Ziarat, and returns to his house, the Angels will walk with him to his house. If he falls sick, the Angels will visit him. If he dies, they will participate in his funeral, and will seek forgiveness for him till his grave.'

2. Sayyed Abdul Karim Taoos (r.a.) reports from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) who revealed to Ibne Madir: O Ibne Madir, one who does Ziarat of my esteemed grandfather, Ameerul Mo'mineen (a.s.), Allah will write for him on every step he takes (for the Ziarat) reward equal to an accepted Hajj and an excellent Umra. O Ibne Madir, the Fire of Hell shall not reach to that nation which is covered in dust in their Ziarat of Ameerul Mo'mineen (a.s.), regardless of whether they go for Ziarat on foot or on horseback. O Ibne Madir! Record this tradition with golden water.'

Indeed, the fervour in Ameerul Mo'meneen's and Imam Husain's (a.s.) Ziaraat can be found in the last lines of Duae Alqamah: 'O Ameerul Mo'mineen and O Aba Abdillah! I am attracted to both of you and both your Ziaraat, while the people of this world had renounced both of you and both your Ziarat. May Allah not disappoint me from what I hope and aspire from both your Ziarat, surely He is Near and Always Answering' (Extract from Duae Alqamah)

III. Excellence of visitation of Imam Kazim (a.s.) and Imam Mohammed Taqi (a.s.)

There are numerous traditions, which enumerate the excellence of visiting Kazmain.

1. A tradition states that one who performs visitation of Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.), it is as if he has visited Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and Amir ul-Mo'meneen (a.s.).

2. At another place we find that a person who performs their visitation then paradise becomes mandatory for him.

3. Shaikh Saduq (a.r.) narrates an incident from Ibrahim ibn Aqbah who wrote a letter to Imam Ali Naqi (a.s.). In the letter he asks Imam (a.s.),

"Which is the better visitation among that of Imam Husain (a.s.), Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) and Imam Mohammed Taqi (a.s.)"? Imam(s) replied, "Visitation of Imam Husain (a.s.) is accorded the highest preference. As for the Ziarat of the two Infallibles (Imam Kazim amd Imam Taqi), it is more complete and has more greater reward".

IV. Excellence of Ziarat of Imam Reza (a.s.)

1. The Holy Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.s.) declared, "In the near future, a piece of my flesh will be buried in the land of Khurasan. No believer will visit him, but Allah (swt) will make paradise compulsory for him".
Another tradition states that if a distressed believer visits Imama Reza (a.s.), then Allah will remove all his difficulties and if a sinner visits him (a.s.), Allah will forgive all his sins.

2. Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) states that, "One who visits the grave of my son, Ali Reza (a.s.), Allah will grant him the reward of 70 accepted Hajj". Surprised, the narrator questioned Imam (a.s.), "70 Hajj?". The Imam (a.s.) replied, "Nay, seventy thousand Hajj". Again the narrator asked, "Seventy thousand Hajj?". Imam (a.s.) replied, "Besides many other Hajj are not even accepted�." Then he (a.s.) continued, "On the day of Qiyamat, four personalities from the previous age and four from the current age will collect on the Arsh. Those from the previous age will be Hazrat Nuh (a.s.), Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.), Hazrat Musa (a.s.) and Hazrat Isa (a.s.). The current age will include Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), Imam Ali (a.s.), Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Imam Husain (a.s.). Those who have visited the graves of Aimmah (a.s.) will also acompany us on the Arsh. And in fact, those who have visited the grave of my son, Ali Reza (a.s.) will be on the higher stages, and their reward will also be more".

3. Imam Reza (a.s.) said, "One who performs my visitation, it is as if he has visited the shrine of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and for this he will attain the reward of a thousand preferred Hajj and thousand accepted Umrah, and on the day of Qiyamat, he will find me and my holy ancestors (a.s.) among his intercessors"

4. It is found from 2 reliable chains of narrators that Imam Reza (a.s.) declared, "One who performs my visitation inspite of it (the blessed shrine) being far away, then I will come to him (for help) at three stages in Qiyamat - firstly, when the scroll of deeds will be handed over to the pious in their right hands and to the evil doers in their left hands, then on the bridge of Sirat. And lastly at the time of Meezan"

5. Imam Reza (a.s.) has announced, "If anyone of you Shias performs 2 rakah namaz near my grave, then he should expect forgiveness of his sins from Allah on the day of Qiyamat. I swear by Allah, who honoured us with Imamat after Mohammed (s.a.w.s.) and granted us greatness by it, and has chosen us as his (s.a.w.s.) successors, I swear that the visitors to my shrine will be better than all other groups in Qiyamat."

6. Mohammed ibn Sulayman asked Imam Mohammed Taqi (a.s.), "A person completed his wajib Hajj, and then visited the shrines of all Ai'mmah (a.s.) save that of Imam Reza (a.s.) and returned home. And after this Allah granted him so much wealth that he could undertake Hajj again. Then which action should he perform, the Hajj, or the Ziarat of Imam Reza (a.s.)?" Imam (a.s.) replied, "It is better that he performs visitation of Imam Reza (a.s.), and he should perform it in the holy month of Rajab".

7. Imam Mohammed Taqi (a.s.) said, "One who performs visitation of my father in the condition that he is aware of his (a.s.) rights, then I am the guarantor of his (entry to) paradise"

IV. Excellence of Imam Husain's (a.s.) Ziarat

There are innumerable traditions regarding the virtues of Imam Husain's (a.s.) Ziarat, which have been recorded by Ibne Qulwayh in his book, 'Kamiluz Ziaraat'. The significance of the traditions reported in this book were highlighted by Ayatullah Abul Qasim Khoei (r.a.) when he declared that each and every tradition of this book is authentic.

1. Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is equal to Hajj, Umra and Jehad. In fact Imam's (a.s.) Ziarat is far superior to these actions.

2. Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is the cause of forgiveness of sins

3. On the Day of Judgement Imam Hussain's (a.s.) Ziarat is the cause for quick and easy accounting.

4. It is the cause of an elevated status in the hereafter.

5. Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is the cause of acceptance of prayers by Allah.

6. One who narrates about Imam Hussain's (a.s.) virtues will enjoy a prolonged life.

7. Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is the cause of safety of man's body and wealth, and increase in one's sustenance.

8. Imam's (a.s.) Ziarat is the cause of getting one's desires fulfilled, and is the means of reducing one's grief and sorrow.

9. To disregard Imam's (a.s.) Ziarat results in ruin of one's religion, and is like disregarding the rights of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.).

10. On the Day of Judgement, Allah will Himself protect the one who visits Imam's (a.s.) shrine.

11. Ziarat of Imam (a.s.) is the cause of ease in death, and decrease in the fear of the grave.

12. One dirham spent in the Ziarat of Imam (a.s.) has reward equal to a thousand dirhams, in fact ten thousand dirhams.

13. When the visitor of Imam's shrine faces Imam's (a.s.) grave, four thousand Angels greet him warmly.

14. When the visitor concludes the Ziarat and returns to his house, the Angels follow his footsteps.

15. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.), the successor of the Prophet, Ali (a.s.), and the Imams (a.s.) pray for the visitors of Imam Hussain's (a.s.) shrine.

16. When the visitor of Imam (a.s.) returns from the Ziarat, Hazrat Zehra (s.a.) faces him and remarks, 'O visitor, go and begin a new life, for your sins have been erased, and you are now like the infant who has just been delivered by his mother.'

17. Imam Hussain (a.s.) himself declares, 'One who visits my grave, then I will in the hereafer.'

18. Visitors of Imam Hussain (a.s.) will enter Paradise four years before the rest of the people.

19. The reward of the visitors of Imam's (a.s.) grave is reserved with Allah, and the minimum He shall grant the visitor will be Paradise.

20. Visitors of Imam's (a.s.) grave will be given the authority to intercede (shafa'at) on behalf of others.
(It must be noted that Ziarat of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is superior to Hajj and Umra, provided that the visitor has already performed his obligatory (wajib) Hajj in the past, or is yet not eligible for Hajj for whatever reason. Here, the importance of Hajj/Umra is not being lowered in favour of Ziarat of Imam (a.s.), rather Shias must perform their wajib Hajj whenever possible for Ziarat is not a substitute for it.)

Aimmah (a.s.) have encouraged the Shias to go for Ziarat even if they have to borrow money for it. Aimmah (a.s.) have taken it upon themselves to repay the debt for the Ziarat.

But what about those who as yet have not got the opportunity (taufeeq) to go for Ziarat, or who can not go for Ziarat at all times? What should they do? Indeed our Imams (a.s.) have not abandoned the Shias in this world as well as the hereafter. They have suggested ways to get the same reward of their Ziarat, even if one is not able to physically undertake a Ziarat to the Imam's (a.s.) shrine. For example, the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) declares: 'One who does my Ziarat after my death, is like one who has done my Ziarat in my lifetime. If one is not having the capacity to visit my grave, then just send salutations (salaam) upon me, for surely your salutations reach me.'Saleh b. Aqbah and Saif b. Umairah narrated from Alqamah b. Muhammad Hazrami who requested Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) 'Please teach me a dua that I can recite while I am not near you.' Imam Baqir (a.s.) taught him to recite Ziarate Ashoora and Dua Alqamah and said, 'if you recite this Ziarat and Dua, then the Angels who visit my shrine will pray for you.' After that Imam Baqir (a.s.) went on to narrate all the virtues that are reserved for the visitor of the shrine, on recitation of Ziarat Ashoora and Dua Alqamah.

Supplication of Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) for the visitors of Imam Husain (a.s.)

Muawiyah b. Wahab narrates, 'I wnet to meet Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) on the Day of Ashoora. Imam (a.s.) was down in prostration. I was pleased and sat down over there. I heard Imam (a.s.) supplicate,

'O Allah! You have granted us honour. You have bestowed on us the authority to intercede. You have made us the trustees of prophethood. You have made us the inheritors of prophets. You have made us the last nation succeeding all other nations. You have made us the successors of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). You have gifted us with knowledge of the past as well as the future. You have inclined the hearts of the people towards us. Forgive me, my brothers and the visitors of Imam Husain (a.s.). Those visitors who have spent their wealth out of love and affection for Imam Husain (a.s.). Those who have exhausted their bodies out of attachment for us. Those who have done this out of expectation of reward from You due to our love. Those who by their visitation have pleased the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). Those who by their visitation have obeyed our commands and have excited the anger of our enemies. Those who by their visitation sought Your Pleasure. O Allah! Grant them our satisfaction. O Allah! Safeguard them from the calamities of the day and the night. Protect their families from disaster. These people have given us preference over their own children and relatives. O Allah! Even You be pleased with them and give them a lofty position. O Allah! You know that the enemies have ridiculed them due to their love for visitation. But these people out of their love for us have endured the ridicule of our enemies and did not let this prevent them from setting out towards us. O Allah! Have mercy on these faces that have been transformed with the fatigue of travel and the scorching sun. Have mercy on these cheeks that have been rubbed against the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.). Have mercy on the eyes that have shed tears out of love for us. Have mercy on the hearts that have been sorrowful due to the oppression that was inflicted upon us and were immersed in our grief and anguish. Have mercy on the sighs that emanated from them to sympathise with our distress and suffering. O Allah! I submit these souls and bodies to you. On the Day of intense thirst, quench their thirst with the sweet water from Your Pond (Hauz-e-Kausar). Make them enter Paradise. Make easy their accounting. Surely You are All-Noble and All-Bestowing. '

Then Imam (a.s.) declared,

'Do you know that visitors of Imam Husain (a.s.) from the heavens far outnumber those from the earth. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), Ameerul Mo'mineen (a.s.) and Janabe Zahra (s.a.), the Chief of all women, pray for the visitors of Imam Husain (a.s.). O son of Wahab, the visitor of Imam Husain (a.s.) will be the only privileged individual who will find the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) seeking him out on the Day of Resurrection so as to shake hands with him for his visitation. '

(Maanil Sibtain fil Ahwaalil Hasan (a.s.) wal Husain (a.s.), vol. 1 pg. 185-190)

We have mentioned some more traditions from the book of Kamiluz Ziaraat for the readers:

1. Ziarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) is equal to Hajj, Umra and Jehad. In fact Imam's (a.s.) Ziarat is far superior to these actions.

2. Ziarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) is the cause of forgiveness of sins

3. On the Day of Judgement Imam Husain's (a.s.) Ziarat is the cause for quick and easy accounting.

4. It is the cause of an elevated status in the hereafter.

5. Ziarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) is the cause of acceptance of prayers by Allah.

6. One who narrates about Imam Husain's (a.s.) virtues will enjoy a prolonged life.

7. Ziarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) is the cause of safety of man's body and wealth, and increase in one's sustenance.

8. Imam's (a.s.) Ziarat is the cause of getting one's desires fulfilled, and is the means of reducing one's grief and sorrow.

9. To disregard Imam's (a.s.) Ziarat results in ruin of one's religion, and is like disregarding the rights of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.).

10. On the Day of Judgement, Allah will Himself protect the one who visits Imam's (a.s.) shrine.

11. Ziarat of Imam (a.s.) is the cause of an easy death, and decrease in the fear of the grave.

12. One dirham spent in the Ziarat of Imam (a.s.) has reward equal to a thousand dirhams, in fact ten thousand dirhams.

13. When the visitor of Imam's shrine faces Imam's (a.s.) grave, four thousand Angels greet him warmly.

14. When the visitor concludes the Ziarat and returns to his house, the Angels follow his footsteps.

15. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.), the successor of the Prophet, Ali (a.s.), and the Imams (a.s.) pray for the visitors of Imam Husain's (a.s.) shrine.

.16. When the visitor of Imam (a.s.) returns from the Ziarat, Hazrat Zehra (s.a.) faces him and remarks, 'O visitor, go and begin a new life, for your sins have been erased, and you are now like the infant who has just been delivered by his mother.'

17. Imam Husain (a.s.) himself declares, 'One who visits my grave, then I will seek him in the hereafter.'

18. Visitors of Imam Husain (a.s.) will enter Paradise four years before the rest of the people.

19. The reward of the visitors of Imam's (a.s.) grave is reserved with Allah, and the minimum He shall grant the visitor will be Paradise.

20. Visitors of Imam's (a.s.) grave will be given the authority to intercede (shafa'at) on behalf of others.

(It must be noted that Ziarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) is superior to Hajj and Umra, provided that the visitor has already performed his obligatory (wajib) Hajj in the past, or is yet not eligible for Hajj for whatever reason. Here, the importance of Hajj/Umra is not being lowered in favour of Ziarat of Imam (a.s.), rather Shias must perform their wajib Hajj whenever possible for Ziarat is not a substitute for it.)

The Imams (a.s.) have encouraged the Shias to go for Ziarat even if they have to borrow money for it. The Imams (a.s.) have taken it upon themselves to repay the debt for the Ziarat.

But what about those who as yet have not got the opportunity (taufeeq) to go for Ziarat, or who can not go for Ziarat at all times? What should they do? Indeed our Imams (a.s.) have not abandoned the Shias in this world as well as the hereafter. They have suggested ways to get the same reward of their Ziarat, even if one is not able to physically undertake a Ziarat to the Imam's (a.s.) shrine. For example, the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) declares: 'One who does my Ziarat after my death, is like one who has done my Ziarat in my lifetime. If one is not having the capacity to visit my grave, then just send salutations (salaam) upon me, for surely your salutations reach me.'

Saleh b. Aqbah and Saif b. Umairah narrated from Alqamah b. Muhammad Hazrami who requested Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) 'Please teach me a dua that I can recite while I am not near you.' Imam Baqir (a.s.) taught him to recite Ziarate Ashoora and Dua Alqamah and said, 'if you recite this Ziarat and Dua, then the Angels who visit my shrine will pray for you.' After that Imam Baqir (a.s.) went on to narrate all the virtues that are reserved for the visitor of the shrine, on recitation of Ziarat Ashoora and Dua Alqamah.

Etiquette (Adaab) of Ziarat.

Man is concerned about etiquette in his activities of daily life. In fact, the one who is not particular about etiquette is considered uncivilized and ill-mannered. For instance, a man may wear a nightdress (like the lungi) or pajamas in the house, but if he wears the same dress to an important interview or in his office he will be ridiculed. Therefore, different places require a different set of etiquette. Praying and supplicating within the confines of one's house and in the local Jamaa Masjid is not the same as praying within the sacred and blessed shrine of an infallible. Since Hajj and Ziarat are divine bestowals and involve a lot of taufeeq, it is necessary for us to take care of this divine bestowal by adhering to the necessary etiquette.

1. To consider the taufeeq for Hajj and Ziarat as a divine bestowal

We must consider the taufeeq for Hajj and Ziarat as a divine gift and bestowal. We must never consider ourselves deserving of it because of our health and wealth. Our good health and wealth are, after all, also divine bounties. Moreover, there are many who are stronger in power and more abundant in wealth who don't go for Hajj, and this shows that it is purely taufeeq from Allah's side.

We must realise that whenever Allah wants He can increase the taufeeq and when He desires He can decrease it or seize it completely. And for Allah to do all this does not take time - His command, when He intends anything, is only to say to it: Be, so it is. There are many Muslims who have personally experienced this and we ourselves may have seen it happen with others. The person has gone for Hajj, but after reaching his destination, he is overcome by some problem or difficulty due to which he cannot complete his Hajj or Ziarat. These are signs for a people who understand.

2. Do not consider any Haji or visitor (Zair) as inferior to you

Scholars of ethics (Akhlaq) have particularly emphasised that we should never consider any Haji or Zair as inferior or lowly. Rather, we should consider everyone else to be superior and regard ourselves as low and degraded. One reason for this is that we are not aware of the hidden and concealed of any individual nor are we aware of his intention nor do we have permission to make inquiries in this regard. The one who is regarded as degraded and low by the people may enjoy a very high position near Allah.

Another benefit of considering ourselves as most degraded is that we will be safe from spiritual diseases like pride, haughtiness, conceit and self-admiration. These hateful traits will destroy our Hajj and Ziarat and will not allow us to accomplish our most important aim of gaining proximity towards Allah and the infallibles (a.s.). The damage that these traits can do to the soul will also take a lot of time to undo and repair. These traits, at times, are very evident in some people. For instance, it was seen that a person visits the shrine of Imam Husain (a.s.) and then after reciting some supplications, removes some dollars from his pocket. He counts them and then exclaims that he has witnessed a miracle with his dollars - he had bought only 600 dollars but now Imam Husain (a.s.) has made it a 1,000 dollars! He wants that with this 'miracle' other Zaireen should know that he is very sincere in his supplications and also very wealthy.

One point worth mentioning is that Allah's Mercy is always in the lowly places. For e.g. rainwater does not stay on top of the mountains, rather it settles in the pits at the foot of the mountains. So the more humble one is in front of Allah, the more bounties he will get. Surely those who are with your Lord are not too proud to serve Him, and they declare His glory and throw themselves down in humility before Him.

We must remember that Allah, the Almighty, is the One who gave Shaddaad respite to make Paradise on earth. But since Shaddaad was proud and arrogant and his work lacked a sense of humility, so Allah did not even give him the opportunity to enter his own Paradise. Similarly, it is quite possible that Allah allows us to reach the shrines of the infallibles (a.s.) or the Holy Kabaa but does not give us reward for it due to our pride and arrogance and lack of humility.

And certainly We have set forth to men in this Quran a similitude of every sort that they may mind.

3. To seek mediation with the infallible Imams (a.s.)

Always be repentant and remorseful in front of Allah due to your sins and seek mediation through the infallible Imams (a.s.). Through this mediation you will be prevented from falling into the abyss of hopelessness of Allah's Mercy and there will always remain in your heart a hope that you will be forgiven if not for anything else, then only for your love of the Ahle Bait (a.s.). This is the station of one who is suspended between a feeling of fear and hope and this is the key to one's success in this world and the hereafter. Indeed, the best display of this feeling is manifested by Imam Sajjad (a.s.) in Duae Abi Hamza Shemali:

'Maybe you do not prefer to listen to my supplications, so you have repelled me perhaps you have chastised me for my shamelessness. If you forgiven me, then O Allah, it befits You as You have forgiven several sinners before me. O Allah, Your Grace is too abundant for You to settle accounts with the sinners. And I am the one who seeks shelter in Your Grace and flees from his sins towards Your Mercy.'

4. Ghusl before entering the shrine

Before entering the shrines of the infallibles (a.s.) and Masjidul Haram, perform ghusl. While performing ghusl, recite:'I begin with Allah's Name and with His Essence. Make this ghusl a light, a purification, a safeguard and a cure for every sickness, disease, calamity and mishap. O Allah, purify with this ghusl my heart, expand with it my breast and make easy my affair.' Traditions reveal that if a person while in Karbala performs ghusl in the river of Furaat and performs Ziarat of Imam Husain (a.s.), his sins shall be shed as if he was born that very day.

From their experience, believers narrate that the more ghusl they perform, greater is the effect on their supplications and Ziaraat. However, this does not mean that one should compromise on his Ziarat by being engaged in recommended ghusl all the time, which may also possibly affect his health.

5. Wearing clean clothes after ghusl

After ghusl wear clean clothes, preferably white. Also keep in mind that it is always better to wear clothes on which Khums has been paid so that the visitor is not overwhelmed with guilt and shame while sitting in the precincts of the shrines of the infallibles (a.s.) or in front of the Holy Kabaa. It is possible that we do not consider such issues in our daily lives and are unaware of Allah and Imam's (a.t.f.s.) attention in these matters, but we may likely think of this critical matter in Hajj and Ziarat.

6. Applying fragrance

Except for the Ziarat of Imam Husain (a.s.), apply fragrance while performing Ziarat of other infallibles (a.s.) so as to attract divine blessings and mercy and ward off satanic instigation. Traditions reveal that among the numerous benefits of applying fragrance is that it dispels Satan, makes the heart cheerful and keeps one fresh. However women must be careful in this regard and must ensure that na-mehram do not smell the fragrance on them, even if there is a remote possibility it is better to avoid it. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has strongly recommended use of fragrance and has included its purchase cost in one's legitimate expenses and has included it among the best gifts one can give to a believer.

7. Take small steps

While leaving your house/hotel for the shrine, remember to take small steps and advance slowly just like a criminal who is getting prepared to meet a powerful dignitary. Try to recollect your mistakes and sins while reposing faith and confidence in the dignitary's ability to forgive and overlook sins. The only difference is that the common criminals of the world try to conceal their crime and offer lame excuses, while the visitor of the infallibles' (a.s.) shrines does not advance any excuses but is most humble and repentant while progressing towards the shrine.

8. Plead earnestly

When you cast a glance at the shrine, recite Salwaat and request the infallible (a.s.) pleadingly and earnestly to grant access to his shrine. Request the infallible (a.s.) - I have come to your threshold from very far, although I am not worthy of access to your shrine. If you do permit me to enter then it is only out of your grace and benevolence and not my capability and competence.

9. Recite the permission for entry

Recite the permission for entry on reaching the door of the shrine or the door of Masjidul Haraam or Masjidun Nabawi. While reciting the permission bear in mind the difficulties and problems you have caused for the Shias. In this regard, the incident involving Janabe Ali b. Yaqteen (r.a.), companion of Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.), which is recorded in Mafatihul Jinnaan, should serve as an eye-opener for every visitor. We have mentioned the incident below:One day Ibrahim-e-Jammaal, went to visit Janabe Ali b. Yaqteen (r.a.), the Vazir of Haroon Rashid. Ibrahim was a relatively unknown person, while Ali b. Yaqteen (r.a.) was a senior personality, being Haroon's Vazir. Ibrahim was too insignificant a person to demand an audience with a person like Ali b. Yaqteen (r.a.), so the guards did not entertain him and turned him away.

Coincidentally, that year Ali b. Yaqteen (r.a.) went to perform Hajj. He went to Medina with the desire to meet Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.). But surprisingly he was not allowed to meet Imam (a.s.). The next day he happened to meet Imam (a.s.). He inquired from Imam (a.s.), 'O master, why wasn't I allowed to see you yesterday? Have I done something wrong?' Imam (a.s.) replied, 'Since you did not permit your brother-in-faith Ibrahim to meet you, Allah did not want you to be successful in meeting me. The only solution to this is that you seek forgiveness from Ibrahim.' To this Ali b. Yaqteen (r.a.) replied, 'O my master, how is it possible for me to meet Ibrahim while I am in Medina and he is in Kufa? Imam (a.s.) instructed, 'Tonight go to Jannatul Baqi. Over there you will find a camel, mount it and proceed towards Kufa. However, do not inform your servants and companions about this trip.' As commanded by Imam (a.s.) Ali b. Yaqteen (r.a.) went to Jannatul Baqi in the night and found the camel over there. He mounted the camel and within a short period he reached Ibrahim-e-Jammaal's house in Kufa.

Ali b. Yaqteen (r.a.) dismounted the camel and knocked at Ibrahim's door. Ibrahim asked, 'Who is it? Ali b. Yaqteen (r.a.) replied, 'I am Ali b. Yaqteen.' Ibrahim asked with surprise, 'What is Ali b. Yaqteen doing at my house at this hour?' Ali b. Yaqteen (r.a.) sought permission to enter the house. Ibrahim repeated, 'What is the matter?' Ali pleaded, 'Please let me enter, I ask you in Allah's Name.' Ibrahim opened the door for Ali to enter. Ali begged, 'Please forgive me. Due to my offense, my master Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) has refused to see me.' Ibrahim replied, 'May Allah forgive you.' Ali did not relent, he put his cheek on the earth and said, 'Rub your foot on my face.' Ibrahim was shocked at this and refused flatly. Ali persisted, 'I ask you by Allah, please rub your foot on my face.' Ibrahim reluctantly did as he was told. Ali was satisfied at this and rushed out of the house, he mounted the camel and reached Medina in a short while. He dismounted outside Imam Moosa Kazim's (a.s.) house, tied the camel outside and sought permission to enter the house. Imam (a.s.) gave him permission to enter the house and forgave him. This incident is very important as it tells us how serious an offence it is near the Imams (a.s.) to disregard the rights of Shias Scholars of ethics and masters on topics related to spirituality believe that if while seeking permission to enter the shrine, the visitor's heart is overwhelmed with grief and tears well up in his eyes, it is a sign that the infallible (a.s.) has given the permission and Inshallah his Ziarat will be accepted. May Allah give all of us taufeeq.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning that often visitors recite the permission for entry only the firs time and after that they simply enter the shrine without bothering to repeat the permission. This is not the right etiquette for Ziarat. Traditions stress that even while entering one's home, one should knock on the door and announce his entry.

10. Advance with the right foot

While entering the shrine, one should remember to enter with the right foot. At the time of departure, one should exit beginning with the left foot

11. Kissing the grave

Traditions state that it is meritorious to kiss the door of the shrines while entering. While kissing the door, call to mind Allah's innumerable favours and bounties without which you would never have reached the shrine.

12. Face the Grave

While reciting the Ziarat at the shrine, try to face the Grave. If it is possible, remain close to the mausoleum (Zareeh). Have this certainty and conviction that the infallible (a.s.) in the grave is not only heeding your words but is also replying to them. In this regard scholars have recorded numerous incidents as also other visitors who were eyewitness to such incidents. Once such incident took place in the shrine of Imam Ali Raza (a.s.) at Mashhad. One visitor narrates that once he was in the shrine of Imam (a.s.). All visitors were engrossed in reciting the Ziarat. One visitor was standing in one corner and was crying uncontrollably, 'O Master, I do not have anything to eat this night.' After a brief interval, we witnessed with our eyes a note lifting from Imam's (a.s.) mausoleum into the visitor's lap. Even he declared with great certainty and belief, 'Salutations upon you, O Ali b. Moosa Raza, may my soul and body be sacrificed upon you, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you.'

The truth is until one is absolutely certain and convinced in his heart that his Master buried in the mausoleum is listening to him then his Ziarat and supplication will have little or no effect. One visitor of Ameerul Mo'mineen (a.s.) - Imam Ali b. Abi Talib's (a.s.) shrine narrates that I was clasping Imam's (a.s.) mausoleum and was narrating my desires one by one. I got this feeling as if a father was embracing his child and was listening attentively to his demands and was reassuring him, 'Your desires will be fulfilled, don't worry. Do you have any more demands, narrate them to me, I will get them granted, etc.'

13. Reciting the Quran

Recite the Quran excessively in the shrine and gift the reward to the infallible (a.s.) buried in the shrine. When the great Shiite scholar, Allamah Bahrul Uloom (r.a.) used to enter the shrine of Ameerul Mo'mineen (a.s.), he used to recite an Arabic couplet, which meant - 'How good it is to hear the Quran being recited in your voice!'

When Allamah's students asked him later about the couplet he replied, 'When I entered Imam's (a.s.) shrine I saw Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) reciting the Quran and I addressed him with the couplet.

Imam-e-Asr's (a.t.f.s.) recitation of the Quran in the shrine of his grandfather (a.s.) tells us of the importance of this act near Allah and Imam (a.t.f.s.).

Recitation of Quran has significant merit in Mecca. Imam Zainul Abedeen (a.s.) informs, 'One who completes a recitation of Quran in Mecca shall not die unless he does the Ziarat of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and sees his place in Paradise.'

Another tradition reveals that one who completes a recitation of Quran between two successive Fridays in Mecca or any other day of the week or approximately in that period (7 days), the reward he gets will be equivalent to recitation of Quran from the first Friday of the world's creation till the last Friday. Likewise he will also get the reward if he completes a recitation between two successive Wednesdays for instance.
(Man La Yahzarul Faqih tradition 2,252, 2,257)

14. Embracing the tomb of the infallible (a.s.)

Embrace the tomb of the infallible (a.s.) as much as possible. As we recite in Ziarate Jameaa - 'I am your visitor. I seek refuge in your tombs.' In this is the cure for several physical and spiritual ailments. At the same time, keep in mind other believers who have also come to pay homage to the infallible (a.s.) and don't prolong your supplication and embrace of the tomb. A visitor recounts, 'Once I was embracing the tomb of Ameerul Mo'mineen (a.s.) for a long time. Then I felt someone telling me - You have revealed all your desires. Now don't cry anymore and go sit in the corner so that even other believers get a chance to be near the tomb. The Shariat has not permitted visitors to trouble other visitors while trying to reach the tomb nor are they permitted to obstruct other visitors from reaching the tomb. Such behaviour will only displease the infallibles.

15. To bid farewell to the infallible (a.s.)

While bidding farewell to the infallible, recite the Ziarat of Farewell (Ziarate Wida). Request the infallible to grant you taufeeq for frequent visitations. One visitor relates - We were at the shrine of Imam Ali Raza (a.s.). We saw one visitor in particular who was weeping inconsolably. We thought that maybe one of his dear ones was very ill and the visitor was praying to Imam Raza (a.s.) for his recovery. But when we heard him pray to Imam (a.s.) we were astonished and also began weeping with him. He was begging Imam (a.s.) thus: O Imam, I am a poor farmer. I come to visit you only once a year. Please enable me to come to you twice a year.'

16. Reciting Ziaraat and supplications on behalf of infallibles (a.s.)

Recite Ziaraat and supplications on behalf of infallibles (a.s.), the mothers of the infallibles (a.s.), the companions (r.a.), the great Shiite scholars (r.a.), your ancestors, your wife/children/relatives. By doing this your own reward will in no way diminish and the chances of your own wishes being granted increase manifold. Moreover, the infallibles (a.s.) know well the interpretation of the verse 'Is the reward of goodness aught but goodness?'

17. Being engrossed in worship-

Always be engaged in worship whenever you are in the shrine. Don't waste time in futile discussions and arguments. These are nothing but Satanic traps and snares to keep the visitors and Hajis engrossed in matters other than worship and divine remembrance (zikr). Also refrain from taking too much timefor relaxation and recreation. These can be done even at your native place. Don't devote too much to eating as the direct result of this is laziness and lethargy. Don't waste your time in shopping as this affects one's intention for Ziarat/Hajj.

18. Always remain in wuzu

Try to remain in wuzu at all times. Be engaged in recitation of divine remembrance and salwaat. Pray namaz at its time and in the shrines/Masjidul Haraam/Masjidun Nabawi.

19. Avoid a non-vegetarian diet

Especially in Karbala refrain from eating mutton, chicken, etc. This is the conclusion reached by scholars of ethics and spirituality.

20. Thank Allah profusely

After every act of worship - recommended or obligatory, thank Allah excessively as it is with taufeeqaat from His side that all this was made possible. Moreover, Allah Himself says in the Quran:
'If you thank Me, I will certainly increase it.'

Supplications and Ziaraat that have been emphasised

Here we do not plan to elaborate on the supplications and Ziaraat that are already known to people and find prominent mention in books of supplications. Rather, we would like to draw your attention to those hidden treasures of the infallibles (a.s.) that for some reason have escaped the attention of the common Shias. Keeping in mind brevity of this booklet, we shall not state the entire supplication, rather we shall only mention the reference. Scholars of ethics assert that no matter how much one supplicates at these sacred shrines, it must be considered as insignificant as one can never worship at these places with the piety and endeavour that is due to them.

Adorn your journey with supplication for Imam (a.t.f.s.)

One of the critical duties of the Shias of this age is to supplicate for the earliest reappearance of our concealed Imam (a.t.f.s.) and to give preference to it over all our other supplications.

1. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) relates, 'None's faith shall attain perfection until he does not give preference to me over his own self and to my progeny over his own progeny.'

2. We have read earlier the benefit of praying for the difficulties of a believer in his absence. To the prayers of such a person, the angels say, 'Amen, the same supplication is also for you.'
(Usule Kafi, vol. 2 pg. 502, Mikyalul Makarim, vol.1 pg. 587)

3. Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) has himself emphasised,
'Pray excessively for my reappearance.'

4. We owe our existence to Imam (a.t.f.s.) existence. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) relates,
If it wasn't for the presence of a divine proof, the earth along with its inmates would have perished.'

5. We must realise that we have been bestowed the taufeeq of Hajj and Ziarat through the prayers of Imam (a.t.f.s.) as our actions were not worthy of such a mammoth task. It is also through love and affection for Imam (a.t.f.s.) that our Hajj/Ziarat be accepted.

6. This reflects our love and affection for him.

7. Even Imam (a.t.f.s.) supplicates for us and it is through his supplications that we are preserved from calamities.

The one who supplicates for early reapearence of Imam of the times will be granted the following rewards:

1. He will enter Paradise without any accounting.

2. He will be saved from the thirst of the Hereafter.

3. He is a source of pride for Allah, the Almighty.

4. His anger is calmed down.

5. The angles will supplicate to Allah on his behalf.

6. The infallible Imams (a.s.) will supplicate on his behalf.

7. His prayers will be accepted only because of these factors (mentioned above).

8. Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) himself will supplicate on his behalf.

9. His faith will be perfected.

10. He will be included amongst the most meritorious martyrs.

11. He will be worthy of intercession by the infallible Imams (a.s.).

12. He will find a place in the group accompanying the infallible Imams (a.s.).

13. He will be included amongst and rewarded like those who were martyred alongside the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.).

14. His love for Imam (a.t.f.s.) will increase.

15. His life will be prolonged.

16. His evil actions will be converted into good actions.

17. He will be protected from the evil of the inmates of the earth.

18. He will be safeguarded from the disputes of the last era.

19. Evil will be lifted from him.

20. His sustenance will be increased.

21. He will be revived after his death at the time of Imam's (a.t.f.s.) government.

22. He will get an opportunity to see Imam (a.t.f.s.) in sleep or while awake.

23. His sins will be forgiven.

24. He shall intercede for 70,000 sinners on the Day of Resurrection.

25. He will be rewarded like the one who has done good to his parents.
(Mikyalul Makarim vol. 1 pg. 341-345)

Reciting the supplications related to Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) is very beneficial.

We have mentioned a few of them below:

1. Recite the supplication of as much as possible. Begin and end all your other supplications with this supplication. Try to recite this supplication in the Qunoot of your namaz. In fact, whatever time you may have after praising and glorifying Allah and sending salutations on the Ahle Bait (a.s.), recite this supplication. This is far better than engaging in idle talk or even remaining silent. With excessive recitation, Imam's (a.t.f.s.) constant attention shall be towards us. Inshallah.

2. Recite Dua-e-Ahad after every morning namaz. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that whoever recite Dua-e-Ahad on forty mornings, he shall attain the era of Imam's (a.t.f.s.) reappearance. If he expires before Imam's (a.t.f.s.) reappearance, Imam (a.t.f.s.) shall first raise him from his grave. For every word of this supplication, Allah shall bestow him with a 1,000 rewards and shall forgive 1,000 sins.
(Beharul Anwaar vol. 102 pg.111)

If one passes these forty days in the period of Hajj and Ziaraat and recites Dua-e-Ahad within the sacred precincts and shrines, then the reward of recitation shall increase manifold. It is even possible that the visitor meets Imam (a.t.f.s.) himself in one these places. The least that this supplication will do is that it will hasten the reappearance of Imam (a.t.f.s.). Moreover, if one begins the day by pledging allegiance to Imam (a.t.f.s.), then Inshallah, even his other activities in the course of the day shall be to Imam's (a.t.f.s.) satisfaction.

3. Recite Ziarat-e-Ale Yasin. Imam (a.t.f.s.) has himself narrated that when you wish to call out to us, then recite this Ziarat. This Ziarat must specifically be recited on Thursday evenings and if one is in Imam Husain's (a.s.) shrine at that time, then indeed he is most fortunate. It should not be surprising if Imam (a.t.f.s.) is present in the shrine and is saying 'Labbaik along with you.

4. Recite Dua-e-Nudbah on Fridays and Eidul Qurban, i.e. in Muzdalefa and Mina. The second special deputy relates that Imam (a.t.f.s.) is present in Hajj every year. Therefore the Haji must try to recite this supplication at places where he must necessarily reside, for instance, at Arafat from noon till sunset, as Imam (a.t.f.s.) himself will also be present in these places. He must also recite this supplication after morning namaz at Muzdalefa where he must necessarily reside until sunrise on the Day of Eidul Qurban. This will increase the Haji's proximity towards Imam (a.t.f.s.). These are the days when the Haji is exhausted from his exertions and if in this condition he recites this supplication and remembers his Imam (a.t.f.s.) and searches him with the words of Dua-e-Nudbah then indeed Imam (a.t.f.s.) will also beseech his Lord to protect the Shia and preserve him till his own reappearance.

5. Recite the supplication that Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) recited for one of his companions:
'O Allah give me taufeeq to recite supplications for Imam's (a.t.f.s.) earliest reappearance.
' (Kamaluddin vol. 2 pg. 92)

6. From time to time, recite the Salwaat on Imam (a.t.f.s.) which is recorded in Mafatihul Jinnaan before Dua-e-Nudbah. The Salwaat begins like this:

7. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) relates: One of the rights that we have on the Shias is that after every namaz they must hold their chins with the left hands and raise their right hands in supplication and recite:
O Lord of Muhammad! Hasten the reappearance of Muhammad's Progeny! O Lord of Muhammad! Protect Muhammad (Imam (a.t.f.s.)) in occultation! O Lord of Muhammad! Avenge the daughter of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.)!

8. Recite the supplication of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) which is recorded in Mafatihul Jinnaan. It begins like this:

Seek your needs from Imam (a.t.f.s.) and use him as a mediation while approaching other infallibles (a.s.). Inshallah, your needs will be addressed at the earliest.

9. Apart from these supplications, pray for Imam's (a.t.f.s.) safety, his health and the destruction of his enemies. This will show your love and affection for him. If the Shia seeks this with sincerity, it should not surprise him if Allah accepts his supplication.

10. After praying for Imam (a.t.f.s.), pray for his Shias, as all Shias are like the children of Imam (a.t.f.s.) and Imam (a.t.f.s.) himself is a benevolent father. When we pray for his Shias, Imam (a.t.f.s.) will be pleased and will definitely pray for us. It is after all in man's nature that he loves excessively the child who lives united with his brothers and sisters as compared to the one who is aloof from them.

11. Especially pray for Imam (a.t.f.s.) reappearance below the dome of Imam Husain's (a.s.) shrine. Imam (a.t.f.s.) himself declares - I pray more for the Shia who prays for my reappearance after remembering the tribulations of Imam Husain (a.s.). (Mikyalul Makarim vol. 2 pg. 75)

12. Recite Ziarate Naahiya in Imam Husain's (a.s.) shrine. This is the Ziarat that Imam (a.t.f.s.) recites for Imam Husain (a.s.). It is not possible to recite the tribulations of Imam Husain (a.s.) in a more sorrowful and heart-rending manner than through Ziarate Naahiya. Indeed who can narrate the difficulties and afflictions of Imam Husain (a.s.) better than Imam (a.t.f.s.) himself?

Respected Shia scholars have always recited the Ziaraat and supplications mentioned above.

Of course, its true that no matter how many Ziaraat and supplications we recite in the shrines of the infallibles (a.s.) it is insufficient. Especially pray for one's hereafter, faith and protection from spiritual diseases. Unlike physical diseases that have tests and diagnoses that facilitate identification and treatment, spiritual disorders have no such provision. Therefore we must turn to the Imams (a.s.) who purify the people of their spiritual diseases after having identified them. In this regard, there is an incident narrated by a very spoilt son of a very rich father. The son relates - I was involved in a lot of immoral and corrupt habits. My father was rich and could afford my expensive habits. I had my own room with a television and VCR. I even had my own collection of pornographic movies, which was the size of a library. Until some time, my father was unaware of my habit. When he learnt about it, he tried to guide me away from this corrupt habit, but to no avail. I was addicted to watching movies and there was nothing anyone could do to change it. Then in Zilhajj, my father sent me for Hajj. On returning from Hajj my consciousness, which had died long ago, showed signs of awakening and reminding. I began asking myself - what are you doing? I began feeling disgusted with my immoral habits. I have now completed four Hajj and my repulsion with and hatred for my past habits has grown each time.

This is the living miracle of Allah's House (Kabaa) and the infallibles (a.s.). According to reliable traditions, when one believer goes out to meet his believer brother, then with this their sins are shed like trees shed their leaves in autumn. If this is the case with believers, then it is even more appropriate when a visitor sets out to pay homage to the infallibles (a.s.) which will result in the complete erasure of his most corrupt sins. Therefore scholars observe that even if a visitor does not recite anything in the shrines of the infallibles (a.s.), he will be worthy of a great reward and a high status.

We now mention the important Ziaraat and supplications:

1. As taught to us by the infallibles (a.s.) if one commences his supplication with Salwaat, then this becomes the cause of its acceptance and acknowledgment. In Mafatihul Jinnaan, there is a Salawaat attributed to each Imam (a.s.) - pages 1020 - 1030 of Urdu translation. This has been narrated by Shaikh Tusi (r.a.) and has attributed these Salawaat to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.). Imam (a.s.) taught these invaluable Salawaat to his beloved companion - Abu Muhammad Abdullah at his home in Samarrah. We must recite the Salawaat before the Ziarat of each infallible (a.s.).

2. Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) has taught a Salawat to Abul Hasan Ziraabi which is recorded in reliable books of supplications like Misbahul Mutahajjid and Jamalul Usboogh. In Mafatihul Jinnaan (pg 91 Urdu translation) it is recorded under the recommended acts of Friday as one of the desirable supplications for Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) (as Friday is the anticipated day of Imam's (a.t.f.s.) reappearance). It is better if one recites this before the Ziarat of every infallible (a.s.) as this Salwaat is a comprehensive blessing on all infallibles (a.s.).

3. According to traditions Ziarate Jaamea Kabira which begins with can be recited at the shrine of any infallible (a.s.). This Ziarat has been attributed to Imam Ali Naqi (a.s.). It is also said that possibly all other Ziaraat were narrated by the infallibles (a.s.) in dissimulation (taqaiyya) except for Ziarate Jamaae. About this Ziarat, Shaikh Abbas Qummi (r.a.) says - Whenever I was blessed with the taufeeq of the Ziarat of any infallible (a.s.) I used to recite this Ziarat before any other Ziarat. Let us also beseech Allah to grant us the taufeeq to recite this Ziarat in the shrine of every infallible (a.s.). Even in his exhortations to Sayyid Rashty, Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) has emphasised the recitation of this important Ziarat.

4. Recite Dua-e-Aaliyatil Mazameen after the Ziarat of every infallible (a.s.). This supplication is from Ameerul Mo'mineen (a.s.) and like the name suggests, it explains high concepts and meanings. And since this supplication is narrated from Ameerul Mo'mineen (a.s.) you will in all likelihood find all your needs already being supplicated in it by Imam (a.s.). This being a very significant supplication, visitors must recite it at least once.

5. Recite the Salawat (Mafatihul Jinnaan, pg 282 of Urdu translation) that is emphasised for recitation in the month of Shabaan at noon as well as on the eve of 15th Shabaan. It has been recorded on the authority of Imam Zainul Abedeen (a.s.). These Salawaat must be recited specifically at the places mentioned earlier. However, this does not mean that one should ignore these Salawaat at other places. Rather, whenever one gets the chance and taufeeq he must recite the Salawaat.

6. Recite Ziarate Ashoora followed by Duae Alqamah at the shrine of every infallible (a.s.).

7. In Urdu Mafatihul Jinnaan, pg. 317, there is a supplication of Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) for the month of Ramazan wherein the reciter seeks taufeeq for Hajj. The supplication begins like this. Inshallah we will get more and more taufeeq for Hajj and Ziarat with the mediation of the infallibles (a.s.).

8. In Sahifae Kamila of Imam Zainul Abedeen (a.s.) there are two supplications recorded one after another - the first is for one's parents and the second is for one's children. Recite these supplications in the shrines of the infallibles (a.s.). This is very beneficial because traditions of infallibles (a.s.) declare that the supplications of parents for their children and supplications of children for their parents draw quicker approval and acceptance from Allah. Today we find ourselves helpless in imparting knowledge and training to our children. Therefore we must surrender our children to the infallibles (a.s.) for imparting knowledge and training of the world as well as the hereafter. Those who haven't been blessed with children should also recite this supplication so that when they do get children they are rightly guided from infancy.

9. In Sahifae Kamila there is a Supplication for Repentance that the visitor must recite with translation. Indeed we see in this supplication how Imam Sajjad (a.s.) has pleaded for divine forgiveness. Imam (a.s.) supplicates: 'If I weep so much in Your Presence that my eyelashes fall off, wail so loudly that I lose my voice, stand so long in Your Presence that my feet get swollen, perform so much ruku that my spine gets dislocated despite doing all this I shall not be worthy of getting even one of my sins forgiven.' We must recite this invaluable supplication in the shrines of infallibles (a.s.) and make them our intercessors so as to lighten the burden of our sins with divine redemption

10. After reciting these supplications and performing these acts of devotion, thank Allah, the Almighty for granting us the taufeeq for these actions. Thanking Allah is possible through a verbal confession as well as by a prostration of gratitude. The visitor can do this either by praying namaz or by reciting the supplication of Imam Sajjad (a.s.) in Sahifa Kaamila. In either of the cases he must try to put in as much sincerity as possible and try to appreciate the bounty of this great taufeeq. It would seem that this objective would be better served by reciting the supplication of Imam Sajjad (a.s.) with its wondrous concepts and meanings.

11. If some Shias have requested you to pray on their behalf in the shrines, then do not ignore their pleas and oblige them. In fact, pray for them even before you pray for yourself. According to traditions, this is the reason for the acceptance of one's own pleas and supplications.

12. On your final visit to the shrine of the infallible (a.s.), recite Ziarat-e-Weda (farewell). This has been emphasized in traditions. In this Ziarat, we beseech and plead with the inmate of the shrine not to make this our last visit but to call us again. We must part with them with the same sorrow and grief that we experience while parting with our loved ones. Inshallah, the infallible will answer our plea. While leaving, till the time you can see shrine turn towards it and keep repeating 'do call us again for visitation.'

Dear readers, over here we have only mentioned the common supplications and Ziaraat that visitors ignore. These supplications are common and are present in famous books like Mafatihul Jinnaan. However, if for some reason, visitors experience some difficulty in locating the relevant supplication/Ziarat, do not hesitate to approach the Aalim in your tour. Request him to help you locate the supplication and if possible recite it with him and other members of the tour as supplicating in a group is more recommended than in solitude.

Importance of Hajj & Ziyarat

Islamic Laws as per His Eminence Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani (D.A.)

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